UNWANTED Sky tv series produced by Sky Studios together with Pantaleon Films and Indiana Production, based on “Bilal”, undercover journalist Fabrizio Gatti’s investigative book about the undercover journey among migrants on the routes between Africa and Europe.
Directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel and created and written by Stefano Bises, the series is coming to Sky and streaming on NOW starting Nov. 3.
Shot in English, Italian, German, French, and several African dialects, the series stars a large multicultural cast headed by Marco Bocci and Jessica Schwarz, and Denise Capezza, Marco Palvetti, Dada Bozela, Hassan Najib, Jonathan Berlin, Jason Derek Prempeh, Cecilia Dazzi, Francesco Acquaroli, Barbara Auer, Sylvester Groth, Nuala Peberdy, Samuel Kalambay, Amadou Mbow, Edward Asante Apeagyei, Reshny Massaka, Onyinye Odokoro, Massimo De Lorenzo, Scot Williams.
Moral dilemmas and ethical questions, hope and pain, solidarity and cruelty, life and death. UNWANTED tells what happens when a cruise ship, the Orizzonte, with Western tourists, pulls a group of migrants to safety after their boat sinks. The stories of the crew and cruise passengers will intertwine with those of the ship’s new guests. The situation will escalate when some of the migrants, upon discovering that the cruise is moving toward Libya, from which they departed, in desperation decide to take the ship hostage.